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A lot of ya'll reading this probably don't know much about anarchy and anarchism, so you might have a lot of questions. Too bad this medium doesn't allow for back and forth discussion, because I'd love to answer your questions, but to give you an accurate account of anarchist history and theory would require a book or two. And a lot of that history and theory has been rendered obsolete by the current New World Order. The media tells us that the world changed forever on 9/11/01. The NWO was already functioning before then and had been in the process of being implemented for a century. But that, too, is another long story. What I want to do is let you know is where I stand as a Tejano working class political prisoner in a movement dominated by white middle class students and activists.


The simplest explanation is the best: no rulers, or no authoritative power.

Anarchism: the theory that all forms of government are oppressive and should be abolished.

Anarchism is what I believe is obsolete in this day and age. It's a 19th century ideology that lost relevance when it became clear that capitalism would win out over socialism as the dominant social order in the Industrial West. This was in question until recently. When capitalism won, we entered the New World Order.

Back in the day, Anarchism was the most militant, revolutionary branch of the Socialist milieu. Anarchists played vital roles in the revolutions in Mexico, Russia and China. They were active throughout Latin America, Asia and Africa. Anarchists staged their own revolution in Spain, which was crushed by the fascist armies of Franco, Hitler and Mussolini. ["The Spanish Anarchists" by Murray Bookchin and "The Bonnot Gang" by Richard Parry (Are anarchists terrorists?)]

But that was in a different era, when technology and Progress seemed like they would give the world a future of unlimited abundance, shared by all. The disintegration of the Soviet Union cleared the way for a newly unified global economic and social order. Now we can all go about the business of fueling the engines of capitalism as consumers.

In the real world, however, wealth is being reserved for increasingly fewer people, natural resources are being used up, and it's getting more difficult to provide for oneself - economically. The promise of a world of material abundance was a lie, and many people didn't fall for it. ["The Imagination of the New Left: A Global Analysis of 1968" by George Katsiaficas and "The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many" by Noam Chomsky]

Worldwide Uprisings and the other American Revolution

From 1968-1972, people all over the world rose up to challenge the established States for the control of their own lives. It didn't matter if they were communist or capitalist: students, workers and peasants worldwide protested, organized and revolted against the pettiness to which their lives had degenerated.

The most significant uprising took place in France, where a coalition of students and workers nearly succeeded in overthrowing the government and the intellectual shackles of Marxism.

The Situationist International described life as having been so trivialized by social and economic forces that people were nothing more than spectators in their own lives. ["The Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Debord and "The Situationist International Anthology" by Ken Knabb] This was a brilliant insight, and it's a shame that they didn't cast off their Marxist dogma as they had shed their roles as passive witnesses to history.

Here in America, people inspired by the civil rights movement, and the determination of the people of Vietnam, also rose up against our government. We fought a revolutionary war here in the U.S. from 1970-1972, and many fought on throughout the 1980s. This is where many of America’s current political prisoners come from. Try to find THAT in your history books! You'll have more luck looking through back issues of newspapers.

The government ultimately won, but it was not an easy battle. Anyone who researches that time will find massive mobilizations of police, National Guard and U.S. Armed Forces in almost every major city and most universities across the nation. Activists, revolutionaries, and union organizers died and tens of thousands were imprisoned. Though a few groups reformed and continued to fight, most of us were left wondering where we went wrong. It seemed at the time that we were winning, that radical change in the way the world was evolving was possible.

It was this period of self-reflection that eventually led to new questions, a deeper analysis of society and the crises the future would bring us. And anarchists, for the most part, were the ones asking the questions and looking for answers, even if these inquiries led in unexpected directions.


The key point to understand in the current anarchist scene is ALIENATION. Alienation is so central to the NWO that it can't exist without alienation. As a matter of fact, as more History and Archeology students began to make critical examinations of the "Progress" of history, it became all too clear that, not only do we not live in the best of all worlds, but the ascension of the West to world domination has been a catastrophe rather than a divinely ordained blessing. Especially when one considers how our technological civilization treats the Earth - as both a source of wealth to plunder and as a garbage dump.

The thought that human beings are apart from the natural world, rather than a part of the Earth, is the original source of alienation. This is what made civilization possible. Once people began to build cities, they developed a feeling of superiority over their fellow humans. So, first people became alienated from their habitat, then from one another. The rest, of course, is History.

One point an anarchist scholar has highlighted was that few people became civilized willingly ["Against His-story, Against Leviathan" by Fredy Perlman (hard to find), "The Conquest of Paradise" by Kirkpatrick Sale, "My Name is Chellis Glendinning and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization" by Challis Glendinning (easy to find and a great read)]. They were either conquered by the armies of the "civilized" people, or adopted civilized ways in order to prevent such conquests. People often equate the ability to conquer other peoples with the level of a civilization's development. But let me ask you, is the desire to kill on a massive scale in an efficient manner a sign of a healthy, intelligent society? How do wars of conquest affect the warriors? And how will these warriors, in turn, affect their society when they return to their families? Also - how does such a conquest mentality affect the society as a whole?

Alienation is the root of all of civilization's problems. We are alienated from our environment by the belief that we are its masters. We are separated from other cultures by feeling that they are our rivals. We are in competition with our neighbors and struggle for domination within our own households. Our short-term desires can supercede our commitments to and relationships with the people in our lives. Our lives are so determined by Alienation that almost everyone is resigned to live lives that bear no resemblance to our innermost desires. Not only that, but most people actively pursue daily routines that will prevent them from living rewarding, fulfilling lives. Alienation from our own selves is so entrenched in our social consciences that we think, "Well, that's just the way it is."

No, that's not the way it is. That's the way WE make it. Things could be very different, but we will have to MAKE it so.

And Now For Something Completely Different

It is not possible to create a new society, one based on integration with other people, our inner (higher) selves, and the world at large, within the context of our current society. A new society must be built outside of this one. By working "within the system," one is only integrating oneself further into the system. That's how the New World Order works. Anything that expands - or requires - economic activity feeds the system. It's what is expected of us. We are going to have to create new lives outside of the realm of Economics and Alienation. That means devoting our life energy to making these changes, as opposed to working for wages, or otherwise acquiring money. This may sound scary and weird, but let me clue you in on something: Many native peoples have festivals where everyone gathers together and gives away all their possessions. At first, some people may have a lot more than others, but by the end of the festival, everyone pretty much has an equal share. Such outpourings of communal devotion are such a threat to civilized alienation that they are illegal in Canada and the U.S. Ponder over that for a moment.

It is evident then that not only must a new social order arise outside of the current one, but it must be done in secret. The government will not toleratew it.

A Fugitive Future

It is up to us – ourselves - our friends and the people we love, to create a future we can truly believe in, one that produces healers instead of serial killers, that cherishes teachers, not athletic rapists. To anyone who reads this, that means sacrificing a lot of privileges. It means facing times of peril, material deprivation, hunger, even torture and/or death. But what is the alternative? Nearly universal poverty, famine and internal wars of attrition like the War on "Drugs" and "Terrorism." Does a worldwide police state appeal to you? I doubt it, or you wouldn't be reading this ["Nation of Terror" by Noam Chomsky, "Snitch Culture" by Jim Redden, "Lockdown America" by Christian Parenti (highly recommended)].

And never forget that almost every "White" person has a god complex. Be they Republicans, Pacifists, Vegans or Commies, they feel like they are entitled to determine how other people think, act and feel. Also, most of us are not accustomed to the level of privilege that middle class White Americans enjoy. Back in the 1970s, when the U.S. police forces began attacking the Black Panthers, a few of their white "comrades" came out to help. When push came to shove, very few White people of privilege stood by our sides. The ones who will are rare and awesome folks and should be cherished. But for the most part, the White kids will run crying to Mom and Dad after their first arrest, or certainly after the bullets start to fly. The ones with the most to lose will likely become informants, too. ["Pacifism as Pathology" by Ward Churchill and "Snitch Culture" by Jim Redden]

I know you out there reading this likely have experience dealing with issues of trust. All I can add now is that you should nurture your hearts and stop doing things that don't make you feel proud for being who you are. One of the most hideous aspects of the NWO is how it encourages a sameness in all of us. Cultural and ethnic divisions become marketing gimmicks. Obscure languages disappear, taking with them their People's oral histories, folk tales and other folk wisdom. In the NWO's schemes, we are all Americans, ready and willing to sacrifice our lives in service to the creation of wealth and privileges for an elite. We must resist this by embracing our uniqueness and by creating strong bonds with others in our revolutionary movements.

I could go on and on, but I hope I've given you enough to think about. The challenges the present and future present us are formidable, but not insurmountable. The NWO wants you to believe that it is omnipotent. The truth is, it requires our cooperation to function. Creating new lives for ourselves won't be easy, but the rewards are unimaginable. Giving birth is always this way.